Raspberry Cream Pie

Raspberry Cream Pie



“Adam seemed clothed in a viscosity that slowed his movements and held his thoughts down. He saw the world through gray water. Now and then his mind fought its way upward, and when the light broke in it brought him only sickness of the mind, and he retired into the grayness again.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


Graham Crackers

It was an unusually gray August. A mix of coastal fog and smoke from the Soberanes fire, left us feeling that summer must be somewhere, just not here. To be fair, the sun pushed its way through the gray many afternoons, at least for a few hours. Then the late afternoon fog swooped in from the coast and settled until the next afternoon, or the day after that. The Soberanes fire has moved south and so has the dusting of gray ash, on our cars, patio, plants and whatever else was outside. We will remember this fire for a very long time. After this raging fire Big Sur and the Los Padres National Forest won’t ever be the same. It was started by an illegal campfire on July 22nd in Garrapta State Park and it won’t be contained until the end of September. That’s right, over two months of fire. Every June, July and August I look for summer, knowing that it will arrive in September and stay through October. This is how we summer in this part of California.

Graham Cracker Crust with Raspberry Jam

I hadn’t tried a new Martha Stewart recipe in a very long time and silly me, found Raspberry Cream Pie in my desserts-to-try and so here we are. Raspberry Cream Pie quite a decadent late summer dessert and not all that Martha to make. I added a layer of raspberry jam too. A half a cup, right on top of the baked and cooled graham cracker crust. I’m not sure the Raspberry Cream Pie needs another layer but it certainly adds more raspberry intensity to each slice. Which suits me fine, I want to taste the raspberries, fill up on summer and devour every last berry before its all apples and pumpkins. Do use the freshest of raspberries with lots of berry flavor. I found mine at the local farmers market. Most of the raspberries at the grocery store are grown for beauty and shelf life, flavor is not their finest quality. If we’re going to dessert, let it be worthy of the splurge.

RaspberryCream Pie Filling


About The Martha recipe, the graham cracker crust is easy. The custard filling is easy too, although mine didn’t fully set-up. The idea of fresh raspberries folded into the vanilla bean laced custard is so enticing. I could eat the raspberry custard spoonful by spoonful and almost forget the graham cracker crust and soft pillows of whipped cream topping. But we’ve made pie and there is plenty to share. Everyone gets a slice of this magnificent beauty. Even if you end up scooping up some of the custard filling with a spoon, this pie will disappear faster than the fog on a gray summer day in Salinas.

Raspberry Cream Pie

Making Raspberry Cream Pie

Raspberry Cream Pie

Raspberry Cream Pie

16 Replies to “Raspberry Cream Pie”

  1. Raspberries and cream are a natural together. Such a pretty pie Deb!

    The Soberanes Fire is just horrible. It effected my cousin who lives in the area, in addition to so many more. Very sad!

    1. Thank you for the kind comment Mary! I hope your cousin is ok, this fire has many far reaching consequences.

  2. Eeps–I’m sorry to hear about the fires! That being said, I’m glad you’re still finding the sunshine in life to make this delicious pie. Sending wonderful summery vibes, Deb!

  3. You are really tempting me with this delicious looking cream pie. Cream pies are my favorite and your looks fabulous Deb. When I landed in San Francisco yesterday you could see the smog from the fires polluting the air. It is so sad !

    1. Thank you Gerlinde! Can’t wait to hear about your trip to new York! The land is so parched from the drought, all these fires are changing California.

  4. What a looker! This is a stunning pie. Bet it tastes better than it looks, although it’s gorgeous. And about the fires — sigh. So sad, so senseless. Good post — thanks.

  5. I was trying to keep up with all of the California fires, but then it became more depressing than reading politics. So very, very sad – the fires. A friend of mine works with the National Forest Services tracking fires, fire-fighters and resources and needless to say, she is very busy right now.

    So on to the pie – WOW! Raspberry jam, fresh raspberries, custard – that will definitely take the sadness away and put a smile on your face. Gorgeous pictures BTW!

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