Citrus Salt

Citrus Salt

Food in Jars Mastery Challenge

“And it never failed that during the dry years the people forgot about the rich years, and during the wet years they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way. And that was the long Salinas Valley. “

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


After all the dark and stormy weather plus two power outages in one week this is just the project I needed. Easy and rewarding, the bright color and intensity of pure citrus chased all my gray thoughts away. Salt preserving is the second Food in Jars Mastery Challenge. Making citrus salt was nothing like making marmalade, the first Mastery Challenge. There wasn’t anything sweet to temper the boldness. It was intense in its presentation. I zested the fruit into separate piles, Lisbon lemon, Persian lime and Meyer lemon. Rubbing the zest into the salt was a sensory pleasure. As even more citrus oil perfumed my fingertips my mind wandered. I wanted to be more like my lemons and limes, bold and bright in winter, but not crisp and brittle. To bring joy and only overwhelm with goodness. To know that adding a little sweetness doesn’t diminish a personality, it just softens the intensity. READ MORE . . .

Salt Dough Trees

Salt Dough Trees

Good Bye, Zeus

“It’s one of life’s great fallacies, it seems to me, said Lee, that time gives much of anything but years and sadness to a man. And memory. Yes, memory. Without that, time would be unarmed against us. “

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


We said good bye to Zeus, our 13 year old chow-chow, the day after Thanksgiving. It’s been tough. We knew his time with us was coming to an end, but still. I’m a cat person who fell in love with a ten year old rescue dog. That says so much and yet so little. We knew he was old when he became a part of our lives. We adopted him anyway. We accepted him for who he was and he accepted us. We stayed with him every step of his journey. We navigated his challenges as he aged and loved him even more. We miss him. READ MORE . . .

Almond Joy Energy Bars

Almond Joy Energy Bars

A Craving

“Let’s get it over and the door closed shut on it! Let’s close it like a book and go on reading! New chapter, new life.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


I’m floating into the New Year. Just going to let it happen. Not swimming against the tide, not pushing against the closed doors, not going to deny the passage of time. Making a commitment to move on—no loads of heavy thoughts or remorse over unmet goals. It’s new territory and I’m happy to have an invitation to attend the opening ceremony. This year was consumed with loss and I am ready for change. I crave a new beginning. READ MORE . . .

Olallieberries and Sunflowers


The Whisper of Summer

“You aren’t planning to start preserving? Well, why shouldn’t we?

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


Imprints of berry stained fingerprints slide across the first three weeks in June. Ripe Olallies are a vivid purple flourish marking the change in the season. I’ve been picking Olallie’s at Gidzich Ranch since I was a child and no matter how much or little rainfall or sunshine, the berries always ripen right after Memorial Day. I’m convinced it’s all about the Earth’s rotation bringing longer light filled days. I can see the change in the daylight but I wish I could feel it. Like a photograph that soaks up the light and leaves us an image that can never be replicated I want to capture the first whisper of summer. READ MORE . . .

Low Fat Granola Clusters with Almonds, Coconut and Strawberries

Granola with strawberries

Whole Grain Goodness

“The stove was warming, with orange light showing around the lids and the soft thunder of drafty flame leaping past the open damper. The kitchen clock flashed its pendulum behind its glass skirt, and it ticked like a little wooden hammer striking on an empty wooden box.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


Granola with fresh fruit is a terrific way to begin the day. Whole grain goodness to power through the morning with hints of sweetness to wake our sleepy minds. Add just enough seasonal fresh fruit and we are seduced into a moment of daydreaming before we begin our day. Granola with quality ingredients can be made at home for a fraction of the cost of store-bought and perhaps best of all it requires no prep time on busy mornings. A batch can quickly be made on the weekend and it will last through a week of breakfasts for a family. READ MORE . . .