Jammy Fruit Bars

Jammy Fruit Bars


“The green lasted on the hills far into June before the grass turned yellow. The heads of the wild oats were so heavy with seed that they hung over on their stalks. The little springs trickled on late in the summer. The range cattle staggered under their fat and their hides shone with health. It was a year when the people of the Salinas Valley forgot the dry years.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


I love June. The explosion of summer fruit has arrived! Peaches, nectarines and plums, I want them all. Melons, grapes, cherries and berries, it’s so good. This is a perfect recipe to use up an overabundance of seasonal fruit and any jars of last years’ jam. No one will have a clue that you are cleaning out the pantry with these lush bar cookies. This is such a no-fail recipe. I’ve made strawberry with strawberry jam, apricot with apricot jam and for this batch, nectarines with apricot jam. I really want to try plum with plum jam and a batch with mixed fruit, maybe apricot and peach. Baking with ripe, seasonal fruit doesn’t get any better than these Jammy Fruit Bars. READ MORE . . .

Nectarine Buttermilk Popsicles

Nectarine Buttermilk Popsicles

Summer Things

“It was a part of his policy always to be busy and occupied. He had supper alone in the Abbot House. After a considered time he walked around the corner on Central Avenue and rang the bell of Adam Trask’s house.

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


They patiently waited for me. I was amazed. I’d think of them and quickly move on. Now and again, I’d check in. Setting a date and picking a spot to rendezvous was more of a commitment than I was ready to make. I get so distracted with summer things. I want outside. When the coastal fog melts into sunshine I want to be there, floating on the rays, devouring every single day. Hopeful, like an old friend left waiting, they grew older. Beautiful, in a way that youth can not understand. Sweet, when flavor leads the dance and sugar follows along. The fiery red nectarines waited. READ MORE . . .