Makes lots of cookies! About 6 dozen 2-inch cookies
Inspired by The Wild Plum restaurant in Monterey, California.
Their cookies are really good, but so are mine!
These cookies are a bit more sophisticated than traditional Oatmeal Raisin. Although, raisins and walnuts may be substituted and will make a divine oatmeal cookie, just omit the almond extract. For a more unique cookie I use a raisin assortment that includes golden and flame raisins in addition to regular raisins. A sophisticated variation of this recipe is dried tart cherries with almonds but omit the cinnamon. I like these three variations so much I haven’t tried any others. I’d love to hear what you try!
“Lee was stewing apricots. He left the stove and closed the kitchen door and went back to the stove.”