Late Summer Tomatoes
“The afternoon was golden, for the yellow dust in the sky gilded the light.”
East of Eden, John Steinbeck
The last shards of summer are heaped in a pile waiting for my attention. I have made excuses. Not enough time, out of town visitors, trips north and south along the coast, a migraine and it’s flattening aftermath. I could make a longer list; but truly it’s all about summer. The months of September and October are traditionally what we call our Indian Summer. The dismal grey fog disappears mid morning and we are blessed with the glorious warmth and sparkling light of sunny days. The fog stayed late this year and our Indian Summer was just a mirage the entire month of September. How can we be ready for fall when summer just arrived? I marvel at pounds of ripe tomatoes, harvested inland, in the heat. Like shards of broken pottery, I hold onto the remnants of a greater thing, a summer almost missed.