Easy Pasta for Dinner

Pasta and cheese

Around the Table

“Well, the story bit deeply into me and I went into it word for word. The more I thought about the story, the more profound it became to me.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


Sending a Tweet out into the world of the internet leads to amazing connections. I retweeted an important article from The Telegraph regarding the continuing decline of eating meals around the dinner table. The Tweet lead to a offer to collaborate with Furniture Choice to offer my thoughts on sharing family meals together. READ MORE . . .

Pasta Salad with Pesto

Pasta and Pesto Salad

Summer Pesto and Pasta: Chapter Two

“The summer progressed and the Salinas River retired underground or stood in green pools under high banks.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


This is the second summer recipe with pasta and pesto as key ingredients. I am always searching for a summer salad to serve when grilling. When potato salad is too heavy and another green salad is not substantial enough I often make Pasta Salad with Pesto with lots of veggies. Preparing the salad for dinner can be done earlier in the day and then I have time to make dessert! Gotta leave time for important things in life, like dessert. And I should mention, any leftover salad is usually gone the next day. READ MORE . . .