Reducing One Time Use Plastic Bags

Produce Storage Options

Reducing one time use plastic bags in the kitchen with mesh bags, reusable produce storage containers and terry cloth bags.

“After awhile, said Cyrus, you’ll think no thoughts the others do not think. You’ll know no word the others can’t say. And you’ll do things because others do them. You’ll feel the danger in any difference whatever—a danger to the whole crowd of like-thinking, like-acting men.”

East of Eden, John Steinbeck


The new year is synonymous with change, resolving to do better, be better. A marker of personal improvement. This year I’m making an attempt in reducing use of one time use plastic bags. It’s a simple resolution, yet requires a commitment to changing behaviors decades in the making. As far as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is concerned my resolution doesn’t really matter. It’s only if more us begin to reject all the one time use plastics and cardboard we consume that true change will occur. READ MORE . . .